Charting the path to a biologically informed system of mental illnesses
Willa Goodfellow ~ Mar '20
A moonshot exploring the human brain at single-cell resolution
Andrew Neff ~ Mar '20
Looking to play a bigger role in the organization?
Join the growing community of scientists and artists
We're are actively seeking creative agreements including:
1. Co-creating content for distribution on both of our channels.
2. Company equity.
3. Whatever else you have in mind.
For information on submitting writing, please visit our authors page.
For partnerships of all types, contact AndrewNeff@GolgiProductions.
Expanding Into New Media
We're looking to create more things by partnering with creatives of all sorts. We can contribute our scientific background, writing, illustrations, and a bit of marketing.
Building the Blog
See our authors page for more information on writing. We're always looking for writers, editors, and artists to help out.
Running the Business
Rather work behind the scenes? We’re looking for people with a range of skills. More than anything, right now, we need a web designer. Beneath its lustrous veneer, this website is in shambles. It’s inefficient to add new content, and overloaded with formatting inconsistencies. We’d like to transition from Wix onto Wordpress, so we can keep the formatting consistent, and move towards automating certain processes.